
Whenever a signal exceeds the level set by this control, the
compressor will start to act at the ratio set by the RATIO control.
This control also provides automatic make-up gain, so as you
lower the threshold and introduce more compression, the output
level is increased, maintaining a steady output level regardless of
the amount of compression.
TIP: The Auto Make Up of the Dynamics on SSL Consoles provides a very intuitive
and fast way to change compression on multiple channels. Before applying the proper
level balance between channels with the faders, experienced SSL Operators start with
activating the dynamic sections and roughly adjusting it individually on all channels.
It is then a lot easier and quicker to achieve a first good sounding rough mix.
Sets the time constant (speed) with which the
compressor returns to normal gain settings once the signal has passed its
Provides a fast attack time (3mS for 20dB gain reduction).
When off, the attack time is program dependent between 3mS –
Gain Reduction Meter
The yellow and red LEDs, on the bottom of the LED display area,
indicate the amount of gain reduction (compression).
The green LED Meters indicate the amount of gain reduction on
the expander/gate. (next section)
Gate/Exp Section
The gate/expander section contains a number of useful features including a
variable range from 0 to 40dB, a variable threshold from -30dB to +10dB, a
fixed attack time (switchable to Fast Attack of 100μs), a variable hold time
from 0 to four seconds and a variable release time from 0.1 to 4 seconds.
By default, the Gate/Expander section functions as an :1 gate. When the
EXP button is pressed, the section becomes a 2:1 expander.
Determines the depth of gating or expansion. When turned fully
anticlockwise (Range = 0), this section is inactive.
When turned fully clockwise, a range of 40dB can be obtained.
A Variable hysteresis is incorporated in the threshold circuitry. For
any given ʻopenʼ setting, the Expander/Gate will have a lower
ʻcloseʼ threshold. The hysteresis value is increased as the
threshold is lowered. This is very useful in music recording as it
allows instruments to decay below the open threshold before
gating or expansion takes place.
This determines the time constant (speed), variable from 0.1 to 4
seconds, at which the Gate/Expander reduces the signal level
once it has passed below the threshold. Note that this control
interacts with the Range control.
SSL Console Bundle for MX4 Page 146. SSL Console Channel Dynamics