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X-Rack Owner’s Manual
. Go to the Out MIDI Port menu. Select the MIDI OUT port which is connected to your X-Rack:
Note that the Macintosh will show all MIDI Inputs at the top of the list, MIDI Outputs at the bottom.
You must scroll to the middle of the list to see the MIDI Out ports.
7. Click on the Test button. This transmits a packet of data to the X-Rack which should return
an acknowledgment to the computer. If the test was successful the message ‘Comms test
passed, now use send’ will be displayed and the display on the X-Rack should change to
read ‘se’.
If the test fails check that the correct MIDI port has been selected and that the X-Rack is in software
download mode, then repeat the test.
8. Once you have established a valid connection click on the Send button. The new code will now be
transferred to memory on the X-Rack. This process will take approximately 20 seconds. A progress bar and
transfer counter will be displayed on screen to enable you to observe the transfer progress and the X-Rack
displays will show a rotating segment.
Note. During this time it is important that power to the X-Rack is not interrupted.
9. Once the software has been saved a message will appear ‘Software update completed’ and the X-Rack
will re-boot using the new software. Click on ‘Exit’ to close the Update Utility.
System Requirements
PC users should ensure that they have the latest version of Java installed. This can be downloaded from
. There is a link to this address on the download page.
Mac OS X users may need to download the ‘plumstoneserv.jar’ file, available from the SSL website
). Drag this file into the ‘/Library/Java/Extensions’
folder then restart the Macintosh before running the upgrade utility.