Two Port 10/100 Managed Ethernet Switch with 16-Bit Non-PCI CPU Interface
Revision 1.4 (08-19-08) 16 SMSC LAN9311/LAN9311i
Chapter 1 Preface
1.1 General Terms
100BT 100BASE-T (100Mbps Fast Ethernet, IEEE 802.3u)
ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter
ALR Address Logic Resolution
BLW Baseline Wander
BM Buffer Manager - Part of the switch fabric
BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit - Messages which carry the Spanning Tree
Protocol information
Byte 8-bits
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detect
CSR Control and Status Registers
CTR Counter
DA Destination Address
DWORD 32-bits
EPC EEPROM Controller
FCS Frame Check Sequence - The extra checksum characters added to the end
of an Ethernet frame, used for error detection and correction.
FIFO First In First Out buffer
FSM Finite State Machine
GPIO General Purpose I/O
HBI Host Bus Interface. The physical bus connecting the LAN9311/LAN9311i to
the host. Also referred to as the Host Bus.
HBIC Host Bus Interface Controller. The hardware module that interfaces
theLAN9311/LAN9311i to the HBI.
Host External system (Includes processor, application software, etc.)
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
Inbound Refers to data input to the LAN9311/LAN9311i from the host
Level-Triggered Sticky Bit This type of status bit is set whenever the condition that it represents is
asserted. The bit remains set until the condition is no longer true, and the
status bit is cleared by writing a zero.
lsb Least Significant Bit
LSB Least Significant Byte
MDI Medium Dependant Interface
MDIX Media Independent Interface with Crossover