Ultra Fast USB 2.0 Multi-Format Flash Media Controller/USB Hub Combo
Revision 2.0 (10-03-08) 28 SMSC USB2640/USB2641
configuration, the OEM can update the values through the USB interface. The hub will then “attach”
to the upstream USB host.
When using an external SPI Flash, the register addresses in the following three tables (Table 7.1,
Table 7.2, ) refer to offsets from the starting location ‘FE80h’.
7.3.2 EEPROM Data Descriptor
Table 7.1 Internal Flash Media Controller Configurations
00h-19h USB_SER_NUM USB Serial Number "0000002640001" (Unicode)
1Ah-1Bh USB_VID USB Vendor ID 0424
1Ch-1Dh USB_PID USB Product ID 4050
1Eh-21h USB_LANG_ID USB Language Identifier 0409
22h-5Dh USB_MFR_STR USB Manufacturer String “Generic” (Unicode)
5Eh-99h USB_PRD_STR USB Product String "Ultra Fast Media Reader"
9Ah USB_BM_ATT USB BmAttribute 80h
9Bh USB_MAX_PWR USB Max Power 30h (96 mA)
9Ch ATT_LB Attribute Lo byte 40h (Reverse SD_WP only)
9Dh ATT_HLB Attribute Hi Lo byte 00h
9Eh ATT_LHB Attribute Lo Hi byte 00h
9Fh ATT_HB Attribute Hi byte 00h
A0h Reserved -
A1h Reserved - 00h
A2h Reserved - 80h
A3h Reserved - 00h
A4h LUN_PWR_LB LUN Power Lo byte 00h
A5h LUN_PWR_HB LUN Power Hi byte 08h
A6h Reserved - 00h
A7h Reserved - 00h
A8h LED_BLK_INT Led Blink Interval 02h
A9h LED_BLK_DUR Led Blink After Access 28h
AAh - B0h LUN0_ID_STR Lun 0 Identifer String “COMBO”
B1h - B7h LUN1_ID_STR Lun 1 Identifer String “MS”
B8h - BEh LUN2_ID_STR Lun 2 Identifer String “SM”
(See Note 7.1)
BFh - C5h LUN3_ID_STR Lun 3 Identifer String “SD/MMC”
C6h - CDh INQ_VEN_STR Inquiry Vendor String “Generic”