CT04 User Manual ◄ 11
• If the die load has been veried, select a set
of dies to match the sleeve or connector to be
1. Loosen the two die retainer screws (items ___ on
the parts illustration).
2. Insert and center the dies.
3. Tighten the die retainer screws to lock the dies in
1. Squeeze the release buttons on the side of the C-
2. Insert and center the die.
3. Release the buttons to hold the die in place
4. Repeat above steps 1 through 3 above using the
release buttons on the piston die holder.
Make sure the hydraulic system control valve is in the
OFF position when coupling or uncoupling the hoses.
Failure to do so may result in damage to the quick cou-
plers and cause overheating of the hydraulic system.
Before installing the hoses, wipe the ttings and the en-
tire length of the hoses with a clean, dry lint-free cloth
to remove any dirt or moisture. Dirty connections can
contaminate the hydraulic uid, causing rapid wear and
early failure of internal pars.
Check the ow indicators (arrows) stamped on the cou-
plers to ensure oil ows in the proper direction. The fe-
male coupler on the tool is the inlet coupler.
It is a good practice to connect the output (return) hose
rst and disconnect it last to minimize or avoid trapped
pressure within the tool.
1. Connect the output hose to the OUT or T port on
the tool.
2. Connect the input hose to the IN or P port.
3. Be sure all hose connections are tight.
With blank (test) dies installed, use a die load tester to
verify the crimping force in the tool before operating a
new crimping tool, before placing the tool in service after
storage or repair or periodically during normal use
1. Make sure blank (test) dies are installed in the die
holder. If not, follow the Die Installation instructions
at the beginning of this section.
2. Connect the tool to an appropriate hydraulic power
source. Follow the Hydraulic Hose Connection safe-
ty guidelines and instructions in this section. If pos-
sible, use the hydraulic power source you plan to
use for crimping.
3. Place the die load tester between the blank (test)
4. Actuate the tool and read the value shown on the
load tester indicator. The force should be 4.4–5 tons
(4000-4540 kg), depending on the pressure from the
hydraulic power source.
a. If the indicated value is low and the system pres-
sure relief valve setting is greater than 1650 psi
(114 bar), adjust the relief valve on the CT to get
the correct die load.
b. If the indicated value is high, adjust the relief
valve on the CT to get the correct die load.
5. When the value is within the acceptable range, turn
the hydraulic system control valve OFF and discon-
nect the hoses from the tool.
6. Follow the Die Installation instructions at the begin-
ning of this section to remove the blank dies and
install the proper crimping dies.
Check the open-center/closed-center (OC/CC) setting
on the tool. The current setting is easily determined by
looking at the gap between the adapter and the cylinder,
see Figure 5-1.
• Open Center: No gap
• Closed Center: Approximately 1/4-inch (6.4-mm)
If the setting is not correct for your hydraulic system, fol-
low the instructions in this section, OC/CC Adjustment,
to make the change.
Make sure the dies installed in the tool match the sleeve
or connector to be crimped. If not, follow the instructions
in this section, Die Installation.
Using a calibrated owmeter and pressure gauge, check
the hydraulic power source at the tool’s input port. Make
sure the system maintains an operating ow in the range
of 3–9 gpm/11–34 lpm within a pressure range of 1650–
2000 psi /114–140 bar.