16 GT23 User Manual
1 Unit not calibrated yes Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
2 Engine speed excessive yes Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
3 Engine speed unusually low yes Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
4 Engine shutdown due to engine yes Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
protection input
5 Factory settings lost yes Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
6 External pot out-of-range no Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
7 Accelerator position / idle no Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
switch conict
8 Controller unit failed yes Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
9 Limiting excessive no Have engine serviced by an Authorized Stanley Dealer.
actuator current
10 Engine speed input no (Active only in Auto crank mode).
signal missing Check speed sensor wiring.
Check starter motor.
11 Auto crank unable to no Check fuel.
start engine
12 Auxiliary output is shorted no Check the lamp or relay hooked to the output. If fault is
still present, have engine serviced by an authorized
Stanley Dealer.
13 Auxiliary output #2 is shorted no Check the lamp or relay hooked to the output. If fault is
still present, have engine serviced by an authorized
Stanley dealer.
14 Actuator disconnected or no Check actuator wiring and actuator resistance.
open circuit Resistance should be less than 10 ohms.