4.4 Pitch Controls
Used to temporarily decrease or increase the playback speed plus or minus
2%. Pitch will return to the current pitch slider setting when released.
The high resolution PITCH SLIDERS can be set for four different pitch ranges.
The PITCH SLIDER RANGE is selected in the SYSTEM menu under AUDIO
SETTINGS, with selectable ranges of +/-5%, +/-10%, +/-25%, +25% -100%.
The pitch slider range alters the amount of pitch change that can be performed
by the slider, and acts to control the maximum range of pitch adjustment that
can be made by the SYNC or AUTO-DJ functions.
When the SYNC button is used, this turns off your PITCH SLIDER, and the SCS.4DJ’s SYNC
ENGINE takes over. The AUTO LED provides a visual indicator of when this is happening. This
LED has two operating states when ON, depending on the setting in the SYSTEM MENU:
- Soft Takeover: LED is lit until the PITCH SLIDER is moved past the VIRTUAL pitch setting.
- Direct Physical Takeover: LED turns off when PITCH SLIDER is moved, PITCH will instantly
jump to the current physical position.
When the PITCH SLIDER is moved to match the VIRTUAL POSITION (when SOFT TAKEOVER
is on) or simply moved at all (when Direct Physical Takeover is on), the AUTO LED will then turn
OFF. This also means that the SYNC ENGINE is no longer in control of your mix, so your mix might
be thrown off.
KEYLOCK allows you to move the PITCH SLIDER up and down to change playback speed without
altering the key of the song. The KEYLOCK LED illuminates when the corresponding KEYLOCK
BUTTON is used in either the your HOME or WAVES screen. When the KEYLOCK function is
turned off, the LED will not be illuminated.