Instruction Manual
The config Tool:
config [ ahv ] [ d id ] [ g id ] [ p path ] [ r configurator ] [ s id=value ]
The config tool allows manipulation and querying of the system configura-
tion from the command line. Using config, the new configuration can be
activated by running the relevant configurator which performs the action
necessary to make the configuration changes live.
Configuration elements which can be changed are specified by a unique
‘.’ separated name. For example the configuration file version is identified
as ‘config.version’.
-a –run-all
Run all registered configurators. This
performs every configuration
synchronization action pushing all changes
to the live system
-h –help
Display a brief usage message.
-v –verbose
Log extra debug information
-d –del=id
Remove the given configuration element
specified by a ‘.’ separated
-g –get=id
Display the value of a configuration element
-p –path=file
Specify an alternate configuration file to
use. The default file is located at /etc/config/
-r –run=configurator
Run the specified registered configurator.
Registered configurators are alerts,
auth, dialin, eventlog, ipconfig, power,
serialconfig, services, systemsettings, time
and users.
-s --set=id=value
Change the value of configuration element
specified by a ‘.’ separated identifier.