equal or more 'PC x' ports than that of the Slave, i.e., if SV831
is the master, SV831 and SV431 can be Slaves, but SV1631 can not.
The ports labeled "PC 1"~”PC 8” can be connected to either a
computer or a Slave's CONSOLE port, as shown in figure 10.
The ports “PC A"~”PC H” can only be connected to a computer.
A power adapter with DC 9V/500mA output rating must be connected
to the Master.
Figure 10: Slave console connection
The maximum number of computers controlled by a master/slave
configuration with all SV431s is 16 with 4 Slaves and each Slave
connects to 4 computers, see figure 11. For an all SV831s
configuration, the number is 64 with 8 Slaves and each Slave
connects to 8 computers, see figure 12. For an all SV1631
configuration, the number is 136, see figure 13. The Master SV1631
connects to 8 Slaves and 8 computers, and each Slave connects
to 16 computers.