Instruction Manual
Ralink WLAN Utility
Instead of using the built-in Windows wireless utility, a 3rd party utility, Ralink WLAN
Utility, can be used. This utility provides access to additional features of the wireless
card, such as Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). If the Ralink WLAN utility is installed, then
a small icon will appear in the system tray area near the clock. Double-click the icon
to open the utility window, or right-click on it to bring up the menu and select the
‘launch’ option.
From the main interface, dierent sub sections can be accessed via the buttons along
the top of the window.
1. Available Networks: Lists all detected wireless networks within range.
2. Link Information: Lists detailed information about the currently connected
wireless network.
3. Prole List: Manage all of the created network proles and congure Wi-Fi Protected
Setup (WPS).
4. Advanced Settings: Advanced wireless settings such as wireless mode and
certicate management.
5. About: Information about the Ralink Utility.
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