4-4-3 Test the Interlock Switch
With the cutting chamber and screen cradle closed and power On,
perform the following tests:
1. Push the start button to start the granulator.
2. With the granulator running, loosen the handknob on the front
access door to verify the safety interlock switch shuts the
machine off. If the hand knob is completely loose and the
power does not disconnect, the interlock switch is not working
and the cause of the malfunction must be determined.
3. Turn off the power and lockout the power.
4. Have the electrician check the interlock switch on the hopper to
correct the malfunction.
5. If necessary, engage the screen cradle interlock actuator screw.
Having completed the above procedures, close the control panel.
Unlock power or return the fuses in the supply panel, turning the
disconnect switch to “ON”. Pull the start button and release only
when the motor has started, then check again that the rotor is
turning in the correct direction.
4-4-4 Checking Knife Position
NOTE: This operation must be carried out by an operator /
mechanical maintenance engineer.
Before undertaking any type of work on the machine, use a feeler
gauge to check the distance between the bed knives and the rotor
knives (the knife gap).
To access the cutting chamber, follow the same procedure and
observe the precautionary steps given in Section 4-4-1. Before
proceeding to the checks, it is advisable to block the rotor to avoid
any inadvertent rotation.
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