Cabinet Series Dehumidifying Dryer 23
Output LED Indicators
Name Description
Blower On (O/0)
The Blower On indicator lights when the blower
Process Heater
Enable (O/2)
The Process Heater Enable activates the process
heater. The indicator lights when the process heater
is energized. This condition occurs when no blower
failures or high temperature conditions exist.
Left/Right Regen
Heater Output
(O/3, O/4)
The Regen Heater Output indicator lights when the
indicated bed regeneration heater energizes.
Right Bed
Output (O/5)
The right Bed Regeneration Output activates the
right bed regeneration indicator lights when the
right bed regenerates. When this indicator is off, the
left bed is energized.
High Regen
Temp Alarm
When ON, indicates a high regen temp condition in
either the left or right bed.
Alarm Horn
Output (O/7)
The Alarm Horn Strobe Output indicates a high
process temperature condition and optional critical
low level at the drying hopper.
Status LED Indicators
Name Description
The Power indicator lights when the PLC receives
115V control power.
The Run indicator lights when the PLC executes the
program in normal conditions.
The Fault indicator lights when the PLC program
has a problem or failure condition.
Force The Force indicator is not used.