SDAP Nomad Dryer with AP1 Control
Reference Manual (PN: 882.00281.00) for
Complete Operation and Installation Instructions
(Available online at www.sterlco.com)
Sterling Part No: 682.92636.03
2900 S. 160
Street • New Berlin, WI 53151 USA Bulletin No: DH1-315.02
Tel. 262.641.8610 • Fax 262.641.8653
Auto-Tuning the Dryer
1. From the “Dryer Status” screen, press “Dry Menu”.
2. Select Auto Tune to gain access to this screen. The Access Code into the Auto
Tune screen is: 1234.
Note: The auto tune feature can be enabled by pressing the PUSH TO START
inform the operator of the current status of this feature.
3. At this point, the operator can return back to the DRYER MENU or MAIN MENU
by touching the appropriate button on the screen.
Setting the Redundant Safety Controller
• The Redundant Safety Controller alarm setting is changed
by pressing the up and down keys, which inputs the alarm
• The upper display reading indicates the Process Value,
while the lower display indicates the High Point Setting
alarm value.
Quick Start Pre-Startup Checklist
1. Check the process and return hoses for tight connections.
2. Check all companion equipment, such as the drying hopper; verify the
loading system is ready for operation.
3. Verify all dryer electrical connections are tight.
4. Verify the thermocouple is properly installed at the hopper inlet.
5. Verif
erature unit/scale
°F or °C
Quick Startup Checklist
1. Turn ON the power disconnect switch in your power drop, then turn ON the
power disconnect switch on the dryer.
2. Turn the dryer ON/OFF switch to ON to energize the display panel.
3. Check the display for the proper temperature scale (°F or °C).
4. Close the slide gate at the bottom of the drying hopper.
5. Fill the drying hopper with material.
6. Press the START button on the touch screen to start the dryer (Display will
change to SHUTDOWN). The process blower starts.
a. Make sure the blower turns in the correct direction.
b. Disconnect the hose from drying hopper to the filter.
c. Quickly turn the ON/OFF switch to OFF. You
should feel a suction at the inlet of the filter. (Secure the
hose back in place).
Setting the Process Air Temperature
1. Press and hold the SET POINT Display until a number key pad appears.
2. Enter the values you would like to set in the screen by pressing the number keys.
3. Press ENT (Enter) when you are finished.