3.1. Gen eral
The safety fil ter is used to clean the vac uum air of the en tire sys tem and must be
in stalled in ev ery multi-location suc tion con veyor sys tem .
A fil ter car tridge in side the safety fil ter sep a rates the vac uum air from the dust
par ti cles flow ing along with it. Vac uum pres sure is built up in the safety fil ter fol -
low ing a fil ter mon i tor ing pe riod. Sur rounding air is con ducted into the safety fil ter
by means of a valve. The di rec tion of flow is op po site to the nor mal di rec tion of
flow. The dust is blown through the fil ter car tridge and col lected in a re cep ta cle.
No ma te ri als are con veyed dur ing the clean ing pro ce dure. The cy cle, dur ing
which the fil ter car tridge is cleaned, is ad just able. Ob serve the op er at ing in struc -
tions of the con veyor sys tem.
The fil ter clean ing pro ce dure is car ried out while the vac uum
gen er a tor is run ning.
The col lect ing con tainer can be opened by hand for clean ing. The cor rect seat ing
of the col lect ing con tainer is mon i tored by a safety switch.
The num ber and way of the set ting de pends on the con nected con vey ing con trol.
The fil ter can not be cleaned un less the col lect ing con tainer is
cor rectly in serted.
Func tioning de scrip tion 22