5.1. Main te nance in ter vals
Daily: Check warn ing signs on equip ment for good
leg i bil ity and com plete ness.
Check the oil level in the oiler.
Empty the wa ter sep a ra tor.
Check op er at ing pres sure of the plant’s sup ply
net work (5-6 bar (72-87 PSI) sys tem
Check waste level in the col lect ing con tainer.
Weekly/monthly: Clean fil ter car tridge in the safety fil ter
(de pend ing on ac cu mu la tion of dust ear lier!).
Ev ery six months: Check all elec tri cal and me chan i cal con nec -
for se cure fit.
Re place the fil ter car tridge
(de pend ing on ac cu mu la tion of dust ear lier!).
Check the seal ing rings of the nonreturn valve
and the out let flap.
This main te nance sched ule is cal cu lated for 3-shift op er a -
Only the Ster ling ser vice should put the one-way restrictor
into ac tion.
The given main te nance in ter vals are av er age val ues.
Check whether in your in di vid ual case the main te nance in ter -
vals must be short ened.
Main te nance 27