Continuous Loss-in-Weight Blenders Chapter 4: Operation 50
“Inventory” page
¾ Clear Inventory
“Next” returns to “Recipe”
“Setup” Page
¾ Touch the ACS icon and enter in
the “user password”
Hopper Setup
¾ Hopper size
“Recipe” Page
¾ Extruder RPM is displayed
¾ Extruder throughput is displayed
¾ Blender throughput is displayed
¾ Blender percentages are displayed
¾ Hopper weights are displayed
¾ Steady flags are displayed
¾ Access “Recipes”
¾ Access “Recipe Book”
¾ Access “Clean out”
¾ Access “Inventory” Page
¾ Access “Setup” Page
¾ “Next” to access “Inventory” page.
¾ New Password
¾ Verify Password
Alarm Setup
¾ No Material Flow
¾ Re-fill to Long
¾ No Material
¾ Load cell Failure
¾ Load cell over max.
¾ Extruder Flow Alarm
¾ Blender cannot keep up
¾ Pop ups enabled
Network Info
“Recipe Book” Page
¾ Save the running recipe to
the book
¾ Delete a stored recipe
¾ Load a stored recipe
¾ Erase all stored recipes
¾ Modify the product ID for a
stored recipe
Return to the “Reci
¾ Scale Calibration
¾ Feeder Calibration
Panel View Config
¾ Panel view GH version
¾ PLC GH version
¾ English or Metric
¾ Mass Flow FIFO Data
¾ Feeder FIFO Data
Alarm Log
¾ View, print, and clear the alarm
Clean out
¾ Run feeders manually
Figure 15: Blender Menu Structure (Standard Unit)
Continuous Loss-in-weight Blender Control System Menu Structure