2.3. Com pressed-air sup ply (only with com pressed-air valves)
For op er at ing the con trol valves, a com -
pressed-air sup ply is nec es sary.
Check com pressed-air pip ing for cor rect
in stal la tion and as sem bly.
Check fit tings, length and qual ity of the
hose con nec tions for agree ment with re -
quire ments.
The op er at ing pres sure is 5-6 bar (72.52-
87.02 PSI) (sys tem overpressure).
Check the com pressed-air sup plied by the
plant’s sup ply net work.
Ad just com pressed-air pres sure to 5-6 bar
(72.52- 87.02 PSI) (sys tem
Con nect the unit to the plant’s sup ply net -
work by means of a hose.
Depressurize com pressed-air sup ply lines which must be opened.
Com pressed air must be dewatered, dust-free and oil-free.
In stall a main te nance unit if re quired.
Ad just pres sure to a max. value of 6 bar (87.02) PSI (sys tem
In stal la tion in struc tions 11
Main ten an ce unit