Page 32 SMD Series Dehumidifying Dryers
5-3 Identifying Process Air Temperature Controller
LED Indicators
Process Value Numeric LED
During normal operation, the process value (
PV) numeric LED
indicator displays the process temperature at the
To Process
thermocouple. It also lists parameters during setup and error
messages if any errors occur.
Set Value Numeric LED
During normal operation, the set value (
SV) numeric LED
indicator displays the process set point temperature selected for the
dryer. The dryer then maintains this set point temperature. This
LED indicator also displays parameter and pre-set function values
during configuration setup.
OUT1 - Lit when Control Output 1 is on.
Out1 indicator lights when the controller signals the process
heaters to be energized.
OUT2 - Lit when Control Output 2 is on.
Not used in this application.
AT - Flashes during auto-tuning in process value (PV) screen.
Press and hold the beige Level Key (for 1 second) when the
controller is in default mode and the set value will flash. Press the
and down keys to set the values.
ALARM1 - Lights in the Operation Indicator Section when the output function
assigned to auxiliary output 1 turns on.
ALARM1 indicator lights when the process temperature
exceeds the set point temperature by more than the alarm deviation
value. Alarm output de-energizes the heaters. Heaters re-energize
when the temperature falls within the acceptable range.
—— PV ——
—— SV ——