1.3. For your safety
It is ab so lutely nec es sary that you ob serve the op er at ing in struc tions for the cor -
re spond ing con vey ing sys tem.
The de vice is in tended ex clu sively for con vey ing plas tic gran ules and regrind.
Any other us age is not per mit ted.
This de vice is not suit able for pro cess ing foods.
Be fore be gin ning main te nance work, set all com pressed air pip ing on the de vice
at zero pres sure. Dan ger of ac ci dents!
The de vice may only be op er ated if all cor re spond ing com po nents have been
prop erly con nected and are in ac cor dance with the rel e vant reg u la tions.
1.4. For the safety of the equip ment
It is ab so lutely nec es sary that you ob serve the op er at ing in struc tions for the cor -
re spond ing con vey ing sys tem.
For the op er a tion of the hop pers, a com pressed-air sup ply is nec es sary.
Never set the op er at ing pres sure of the hop pers at more than 6 bar (87.02 PSI)
(sys tem overpressure).
In stall the hop pers in such a way that the out let flap is hinged in a right an gle to the
di rec tion of move ment of the ma chine.
Make sure that all plugs are con nected prop erly.
Ob serve the car ry ing ca pac ity of the ma chine flange.
Safety in struc tions 9