8.3. Elec tri cal con nec ti on
Ob ser ve the ru les of the lo cal elec tri ci ty board.
Check that the supp ly vol ta ge and the po wer fre quen cy are in ac cor dan ce
with the data on the name pla te of the de vi ce.
The elec tri cal con nec ti on may only be car ried through or as sig ned by Ster -
ling ser vi ce staff or by qua li fied staff aut ho ri zed by Ster ling.
Ot her per sons are not per mit ted to car ry through the elec tri cal con nec ti on.
The main switch must be free ly ac ces si ble.
Ground the equip ment against elec tro sta tic char ging.
Ob ser ve that the con trol sys tem is still un der vol ta ge even when the
mains switch is swit ched off.
Re gu lar ly make sure that none of the elec tri cal or screw con nec tions are
loo se.
Im me di ate ly af ter con nec ti on, check the di rec ti on of ro ta ti on of the blo -
wers (see ro ta tio nal di rec ti on ar row on the blo wers).
The di rec ti on of ro ta ti on should be swit ched in the supp ly line only.
The ope ra ti on vol ta ge is 480/3/60
Special ope ra ti on vol ta ges are pos si ble.
De hu mi di fied Air Dry er
As sem bly in struc tions 8-3