Fill-O-Matic III
The Fill-O-Matic III is a gas powered auto-fill system designed to be used with Slush and Cocktail
Freezers. The pump is built to hang on the side of a 10 gallon mix vat. The pump can be driven by
either regulated CO2, nitrogen or filtered compressed air. A draw tube extends to the bottom of
the container to supply the pump with mix, the mix then passes thru the pump and discharges thru
a hose to the freezer. The pump is controlled by pressure in the mix line verses gas pressure to
the pump. Set the gas pressure to the pump between 20 to 40 PSIG.
1. Empty mix container completely.
2. Pour 2 gallons of quite warm detergent water into the mix container and pump thru the pump
and hoses.
Do not allow the pump to run dry for more than a few minutes to prevent damage to the pumps
1. Use a sanitizer mixed according to manufacturers instructions to provide a 100 parts per
million strength solution. Mix sanitizer in quantities of no less than 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of
120° water. Allow the sanitizer to contact the surfaces to be sanitized for 5 minutes. Any
sanitizer must be used only in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
2. Pour the sanitizer into the mix container and pump thru the pump and hoses.
3. Make sure all the sanitizer has been pumped out and the container is completely empty,
then fill with mix and start the pump pushing out any sanitizer that may be remaining in the
hoses. The freezer barrel and hopper can now be filled.