J Precautions against vehicle modification
D Do not put any objects over the steering wheel pad and dash-
board. If the SRS AIRBAG deploys, those objects could interfere
with its proper operation and could be propelled inside the vehi-
cle and cause injury.
D Do not attach accessories to the windshield, or fit an extra-
wide mirror over the rear view mirror. If the SRS AIRBAG deploys,
those objects could become projectiles that could seriously in-
jure vehicle occupants.
D To avoid accidental actuation of the system or rendering the
system inoperative, which may result in serious injury, no modifi-
cations should be made to any components or wiring of the SRS
This includes the installation of “custom” steering wheels or
additional trim material, or badges over the pad section of the
steering wheel. Installation of additional electrical/electronic
equipment such as a mobile two way radio on or near SRS AIR-
BAG components and/or wiring is not advisable.
Do not put any objects over the
steering wheel pad and dashboard
Do not attach accessories to the
windshield, or fit an extra-wide mir-
ror over the rear view mirror.