The Electronic Control System of your Sub-Zero
uilt-In unit monitors and accurately displays
temperatures withinone degree of your preset
temperature. It also monitors operation of the
unit and lets you know if there’s a problem.
You’ll find the Control Center located in the
refrigerator section of all models, except Model
ICBBI-36F where it is in the freezersection. Refer
to the illustration below.
Your new Built-In unit was thoroughly inspected
and testedbefore it was shippedfrom the
Sub-Zero factory. Temperatures arepreset at 3˚C
in the refrigerator section and-18˚C in the freezer
section. Temperatures are displayed inthe Con-
trol Center displaypanel.
For combination units, there are two sets of
and key pads on the Control Center, one for
the refrigerator section and the other for the
freezer section. Models ICBBI-36R, ICBBI-36RG
and ICBBI-36F have only one set of and
key pads.
To adjust the temperature in either section,
epress the or key padson the Control
The temperature ranges are -23˚C to -15˚C in the
freezer section, and 1˚C to 7˚Cinthe refrigerator
section. It is normal for temperatures tofluctuate
lightly, depending on external influences such
as an opendoor, the degree of humidity and
oom temperature.
Always allow 24 hours
for the unit to reach the temperature youset.
All Sub-Zero Built-In models feature a key
pad on the Control Center. This keypad will turn
off all electrical power to the unit. When the
power is off,the OFF indicator light will be vis-
ible in theControl Center display panel.This
key pad means you don’t have to shut off power
at the circuit breaker or wall receptacle. To
service orreplace a light bulb, disconnect power
supply from the receptacle before changing light
bulb. The power cord is located in the far right
corner behind the flip-up grille.
ll Built-In models have an alarm feature with an
audible chime if thedoor is left ajar.
The alarm will sound after 30 seconds. It can be
deactivated by depressing the keypad. When
the alarm is activated, the indicator will be
isible in theControl Center display panel.
Built-In models with an ice maker feature an
key pad onthe ControlCenter. This key pad
switches the power to theice maker system on
or off. When the ice maker system is on,the
indicator will be illuminated inthe Control
Center display panel. The icemaker can also be
turned on using the key pad, activating the
Max Ice feature. The indicator will be illumi-
nated in the ControlCenter display panelwhen
this feature is on. Use the key pad toshut
down the ice maker during extended vacations.
Electronic control centerdis-
play panel
Temperature adjustment key pads
Display Panel
Control Panel (Model ICBBI-30UG)
The Built-In line continues the Sub-Zero tradition
f superiorquality andreliability. Sub-Zero pio-
neered thedevelopment ofour dual refrigeration
system, giving you optimum fresh and freezer
food storage in ideal self-contained sections.
Both refrigerator and freezer maintain accurate,
consistenttemperatures. Dual refrigeration
keeps yourfood fresh longer than anyother
system available.
With dual refrigeration, the freezer maintains a
constant temperature within one degree of the
temperature you setwithin our range of -23˚C to
-15˚C, without unwanted moisture and odor from
the refrigerator. Similarly, you can adjust the
refrigerator temperature within a range of 1˚C to
7˚C, for proper humidity levels tailored for longer
food life expectancy.
The dual refrigeration system also meansthere
is no transfer of fresh food odors to frozen food
or ice. The Sub-Zero system does not freeze the
moisture out ofthe air in thefresh food section.
Sub-Zero dualrefrigeration is also more energy
efficient than old-fashioned single refrigeration
systems. When the refrigerator isused fre-
quently during the day it does not require the
freezer tocirculate itsvery cold, dryair to the
refrigerator. Instead, therefrigerator uses moist
air to keep fresh foods fresh and energy use