Cleaning the Ice Making System
1) Open the door and turn the ice maker control knob to
2) Scoop out all of the ice, either discard it or save it in a
ice chest or cooler.
3) Pour 4 ounces of Sub-Zero ice maker cleaner into the
ice maker reservoir. (Available from a local Sub-Zero
distributor or dealer, ask for part number 19034306,
an 8 ounce bottle).
4) Turn the ice maker control to ON.
5) Allow the ice maker to operate for about 2 hours.
6) Pour hot (95˚F - 115˚F) water into the bin to melt the
ice that has formed. That ice will likely be white and
frosty looking.
7) Clean the bin liner of mineral scale by mixing some ice
maker cleaner and hot water, and using that solution
to scrub the scale off of the liner.
8) Rinse the liner with hot water.
9) Sanitize the bin interior.
10) Replace the ice removed in step 2. The ice scoop
should be washed regularly, wash it just like any other
food container.
Sub-Zero ice maker cleaner contains acids.These com-
pounds may cause burns.
If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Give large
amounts of water or milk. Call Physician immediately.
In case of skin contact, flush with water. Keep out of
the reach of children.