Using a metal spatula, scrape grease into
the grease collection tray.
When the surface has cooled, wipe it with a
paper towel to remove excess grease or oil.
Scrape the griddle clean. Pour .1 L warm
water and 5 ml griddle cleaner onto the
griddle and scrape the grease into the
grease collection tray. Empty the grease
collection tray. Rinse the griddle with .1 L
warm water and dry with paper towels.
Reapply a small amount of peanut or
vegetable oil to the griddle with a clean
cloth after each cleaning.
Clean the grease collection tray after each
use. Do not allow grease to accumulate in
the tray and become a fire hazard.
To remove the grease collection tray, gently
pull the tray toward you to lift it out. Clean
the tray with soapy water and a clean cloth.
To replace, slide the short edge of the
grease collection tray under the edge of the
griddle and lower into the opening.
Occasionally remove the seasoning, clean
the griddle thoroughly and reapply. To
remove, add either white vinegar and water
or club soda to a slightly warm surface.
Scrub with a fine wire brush or a fine-grit
griddle brick. Repeat application if neces-
sary. Be certain to apply a light coat of oil
after cleaning for seasoning.
Allow the griddle surface to cool suffi-
ciently before cleaning.