Overlay Panel
13 mm
Spacer Panel
6 mm Backer Panel
Overlay Panel
76 mm
Bottom Edge –
Hinge Side
(rear view)
Spacer Panel
10 mm
Illus. 5 Illus. 6
Spacer Panel
Overlay Panel
6 mm
3 mm
Grille Trim
2 mm
4 mm
6 mm Backer Panel
8 mm min
Spacer Panel
Overlay Panel
Illus. 4Illus. 3
The overlay door
panel assembly
must be a minimum
of16 mm thick
and cannot exceed
23 kg.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Keep in mind that the
Sub-Zero door panels have the potential for
hitting adjacent cabinets and/or countertops
when they are opened. You need to be aware of
your surrounding cabinetry and space limitations
when using the overlay models. Refer to the full-
scale illustrations at the end of this section.
If you are using an overlay door panel with
Model I611, I611G, I650 or I650G, it is necessary
to rout a space for the unit‘s lower hinge plate
so it does not strike the door panel. Refer to
illustration 5.
For Models I611, I611G, I650 and I650G, you will
minimize the reveal between the bottom of the
overlay door panel and the top of the overlay
drawer panel. Refer to illustration 6.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you choose not to rout a
space for the lower hinge plate, you can reduce
the total height of the overlay panel (decorative
panel only) by 13 mm.
Do not exceed the overlay decorative panel
dimensions for Models I611, I611G, I650 or
I650G listed on page 22. If you try to make
the reveal tighter between the door and
drawer panels, the panels may hit when
opening and closing, causing possible
damage to the panels and the Sub-Zero unit.
If you and your client have ordered an overlay
design model, you will be adding panels to give
the unit the custom Sub-Zero look. The overlay
panel design option is available on all Built-In
units except Models ICB648PRO and
For exact door panel dimensions for Built-In
overlay models, refer to the Overlay Panel Speci-
fications on pages 22–23.
The overlay design allows decorative panels to
cover the door trim for a more seamless
appearance that blends with the design of the
room. To achieve this look, the most common
way is to work with three panels—the decorative
overlay panel, a 3 mm spacer panel and a 6 mm
backer panel. Depending on your cabinet manu-
facturer, this could be one panel routed for
different dimensions or, more likely, three differ-
ent panels.
Regardless of the physical construction of the
panels (routing or three-panel assembly), you will
need to follow the Overlay Panel Specifications
on the following pages for exact sizing and panel
placement to ensure a proper fit.
Illustration 3 is a cross section view of the three-
panel assembly showing placement of the door,
drawer or grille trim. Illustration 4 shows a rear
view of the three-panel assembly and critical
dimensions, standard for all models.