Your Weber
gas barbecue is a portable outdoor cooking appliance. With the Weber
gas barbecue you can grill, barbecue, roast and bake with results that are difficult to
duplicate with indoor kitchen appliances. The closed lid and Flavorizer
bars produce
that “outdoor” flavor in the food.
The Weber
gas barbecue is portable so you can easily change its location in your yard
or on your patio. Portability means you can take your Weber
gas barbecue with, if you
Liquid Propane (LP) gas supply is easy to use and gives you more cooking control than
charcoal fuel.
• Theseinstructionswillgiveyoutheminimumrequirementsforassemblingyour
gas barbecue. Please read the instructions carefully before using your
gas barbecue. Improper assembly can be dangerous.
• Notforusebychildren.
• Iftherearelocalcodesthatapplytoportablegasgrills,youwillhavetoconformto
them. Installation must conform with local codes or, in the absence of local codes,
with either the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Natural Gas and
Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1, or Propane Storage and Handling Code,
B149.2, or the Standard for Recreational Vehicles, ANSI A 119.2/NFPA 1192, and
CSA Z240 RV Series, Recreational Vehicle Code, as applicable.
• ThepressureregulatorsuppliedwiththeWeber
gas barbecue must be used. This
regulator is set for 11 inches of water column (pressure).
• ThisWeber
gas barbecue is designed for use with liquid propane (LP) gas only. Do
not use with natural (piped in city) gas. The valves, orifices, hose and regulator are for
LP gas only.
• Donotusewithcharcoalfuel.
• Checkthattheareaunderthecontrolpanelandtheslideoutgreasetrayarefree
from debris that might obstruct the flow of combustion or ventilation air.
• TheareasaroundtheLPcylindermustbefreeandclearfromdebris.
• Replacementpressureregulatorsandhoseassembliesmustbethosespecifiedby
Weber-Stephen Products LLC.
These instructions, while generally acceptable, do not necessarily comply with the
Canadian Installation codes, particularly with piping above and below ground. In
Canada the installation of this appliance must comply with local codes and/or Standard
CSA-B149.2 (Propane Storage and Handling Code).
m WARNING: Only use this barbecue outdoors in a well-
ventilated area. Do not use in a garage, building, breezeway
or any other enclosed area.
m WARNING: Keep ventilation openings for cylinder enclosure
free and clear from debris.
m WARNING: Your Weber
gas barbecue shall not be used
under overhead combustible construction.
m WARNING: Your Weber
gas barbecue is not intended to be
installed in or on recreational vehicles and/or boats.
m WARNING: Do not use the barbecue within 24 inches of
combustible materials.
m WARNING: The entire cookbox gets hot when in use. Do not
leave unattended.
m WARNING: Keep electrical supply cord and the fuel supply
hose away from heated surfaces.
m WARNING: Keep the cooking area clear of flammable vapors
and liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, etc., and combustible
m WARNING: Never store an extra (spare) LP cylinder under or
near the Weber
gas barbecue.
m WARNING: The LP cylinder used with your barbecue must
be with a listed OPD (Overfilling Prevention Device) and
a QCC1 or Type 1 (CGA810) cylinder connection. The
cylinder connection must be compatible with the barbecue
• ThegasmustbeturnedoffattheliquidpropanecylinderwhentheWeber
barbecue is not in use.
• WhentheWeber
gas barbecue is stored indoors, the gas supply must be
DISCONNECTED and the LP cylinder stored outdoors in a well-ventilated space.
• LPcylindermustbestoredoutdoorsinawell-ventilatedareaoutofreachofchildren.
Disconnected LP cylinder must not be stored in a building, garage or any other
enclosed area.
• WhentheLPcylinderisnotdisconnectedfromtheWeber
gas barbecue, the
appliance and LP tank must be kept outdoors in a well-ventilated space.
• TheWeber
gas barbecue should be checked for gas leaks and any obstructions
in the burner tubes before using. (Refer to “MAINTENANCE/ANNUAL
• Checkthattheareasunderthecontrolpanelandthedriptrayarefreefromdebris
that might obstruct the flow of combustion or ventilation air.
• TheSpider/Insectscreensshouldalsobecheckedforanyobstructions.(Referto