42 Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006
The server powers on completely. The System Active indicator illuminates and the
server executes the power-on self-test (POST).
▼ To Power On Using the LOM poweron
● At the lom> prompt, type:
The SC first powers on all the power supplies, followed by the fan tray. Finally the
SC powers on the system boards. If the value of the OpenBoot PROM variable
auto-boot? is true then the server also boots the Solaris Operating System.
Note – Individual modules can also be powered on using the poweron command.
For further details, see the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Controller Command
Reference Manual, 819-1268.
The System Active indicator is lit. The server will execute the power-on self-tests
Note – The poweron all command only powers on individual components; it
does not boot the Solaris software.
See the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Controller Command Reference Manual,
819-1268 for a full description of the poweron command.
Bringing the Server to Standby Mode
Powering off the system to Standby mode can be achieved by three methods:
■ From the Solaris command line
■ From the LOM port
■ By the On/Standby switch
When the system powers off to Standby mode, the Source A and Source B indicators
are the only indicator LEDs to be illuminated on the system indicator board. The
IB_SSC assembly Active LED is lit, but not visible from the front of the server.