
2-22 SPARCserver 2000E PowerSupply Installation ManualApril 1995
6. Watch the terminal screen for any POST error messages.
At the conclusion of testing, POST automatically configures the system,
omitting any devices that have failed diagnostics. After POST ends, the
system will boot using the new configuration.
If the middle front panel LED remains lit after the system has booted, the
system has failed POST.
If you system has two power supplies and one fails, the system will
continue to operate. If POST, OBP or the operating system detects the power
supply failure, a warning message similar to the one below will be
displayed to the console:
Note POST does not test drives or internal parts of SBus cards. To test these
devices, run OpenBoot PROM (OBP) diagnostics manually after the system has
booted. Refer to the OpenBoot Command Reference manual for instructions.
7. To start POST again, or if the system hangs, press the reset switch on the
back of the front panel.
See Figure 2-21.
Power supply maintenance should be scheduled.