Chapter 7 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 123
5. When POST is completed, disconnect the tip window as follows:
a. Open a shell window.
b. Type
ps -a to view the active tip line and process ID (PID) number.
c. Type the following to kill the tip hardwire process.
Verifying the Baud Rate
To verify the baud rate between the Sun Enterprise 220R server and a terminal or
another Sun system monitor:
1. Open a shell window.
2. Type
3. Verify the following serial port default settings as follows:
Note – Ensure that the settings are consistent with TTY-type terminal or system
monitor settings.
What to Do
Ensure that the front panel keyswitch is in the Standby position.
For descriptions of the keyswitch settings, see “About the Status and Control Panel”
on page 7.
You can initialize POST one of two ways.
■ By setting the diag-switch? to true and the diag-level to max or min,
followed by power cycling the system unit.
■ By simultaneously pressing the keyboard Stop and D keys while power is applied
to the system unit.
% kill -9 <Process ID (PID) Number>
ttyb-mode = 9600,8,n,1
ttya-mode = 9600,8,n,1