200 Sun Fire 280R Server Owner’s Guide • January 2001
4. Type:
Substitute the name of the workstation you are using for local_hostname. Note that
/opt/SUNWvts/bin is the default directory for SunVTS binaries. If you have
installed SunVTS software in a different directory, use the appropriate path instead.
5. Fine-tune your testing session by selecting only the tests you want to run.
Click to select and deselect tests. (A check mark in the box means the item is
selected.) Some tests useful to run on a Sun Fire 280R server are listed below.
# cd /opt/SUNWvts/bin
# ./sunvts -display local_hostname:0
SunVTS Test Description
Tests the DVD/CD-ROM drive by reading the disc and verifying
the DVD/CD table of contents (TOC), if it exists
cputest Tests the CPU
disktest Verifies local disk drives
Tests power supply, fan tray, LEDs
fputest Checks the floating-point unit
fstest Tests the integrity of the software’s file systems
m64test Tests the PCI graphics board
mptest Verifies multiprocessor features (for systems with more than
one processor)
nettest Checks all the hardware associated with networking (for example,
Ethernet, token ring, quad Ethernet, fiber optic, 100-Mbit per second
Ethernet devices)
pmem Tests the physical memory (read only)
rsctest Tests the RSC card
sptest Tests the system’s on-board serial ports
tapetest Tests the various Sun tape devices
usbkbtest Tests the keyboard
vmem Tests virtual memory (a combination of the swap partition and the
physical memory)