
Functional Description B-3
There are few differences between board slots and each slot can accept any
board type. However, slot 1 connects directly to the internal SCSI tray through
the centerplane and related cables. The internal tape and/or CD-ROM or other
optional internal SCSI drives cannot be used unless an I/O board is present in
slot 1.
Although the remaining slots are equivalent, I/O boards should be located on
the back side of the centerplane for easy access to interface cables at the rear of
the cabinet.
B.2 System Packaging
This section describes the features of the system enclosures.
B.2.1 Enterprise 6000 Server
The Enterprise 6000 server features a 16-slot card cage in a 56-inch data center
system cabinet. See Figure B-2.
Figure B-2 Ultra Enterprise System Cabinet
CD-ROM drive
Tape drive
Even-numbered slots
Peripheral power supply
Clock board
Odd-numbered slots
AC power switch
Disk trays (optional)