
The query format is similar to the where clause of an SQL query. The two main dierences are
that 5800 system queries do not contain embedded subqueries, and that the only “columns” that
are available are the attributes dened in the 5800 system schema.
Many features of the underlying metadata database’s own query language can be used in
queries. There is a recommended subset of queries, however, that is most likely to be portable
from the 5800 system emulator to a live 5800 system cluster. That subset is described in the
“Supported Expression Types” on page 121 and “Queries Not Supported in Version
1.1” on page 123. These are the query expression types that should work identically on the 5800
system emulator and a live 5800 system cluster.
Supported Data Types
Long— 8-byte integer value.
Double— 8-byte IEEE 754 double-precision oating point value.
String— now allows all Unicode values from the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). The
encoding used is UTF-8. the schema denition of each String attribute must specify a length.
String(N) is used as the convention to refer to the type of a String attribute whose length is
set to N.
char— similar to String, except that it is limited to 8-bit characters in the ISO-8859-1
(Latin-1) character set.
Date— corresponds to the JDBC SQL DATE type. Year/Month/Day.
Time— corresponds to the JDBC SQL TIME type. The Java java.sql.Time type only allows
specication of whole seconds.
Timestamp— corresponds to the JDBC SQL TIMESTAMP type with precision 3 (absolute
Binary— string of binary bytes.
Objectid— similar to binary, with internal support for sub-elds. Reserved for use by the
system.object_id eld. Other elds that must store an OID should use the string or binary
type for that eld.
SunStorageTek 5800SystemClientAPIReferenceManual June 2008116