
Appendix B SUNWsecfg Error Messages 137
TABLE B-3 Sun StorEdge T3+ Array SUNWsecfg Error Messages
Message Description and Cause of Error Suggested Action
Common to Sun
StorEdge T3+ array
Present configuration does not match
Reference configurations
Check the present Sun StorEdge T3+
array configuration with showt3 -n
<t3> command and verify whether
the configuration is corrupted or has
changed. If it is not one of the standard
configurations, restore the
configuration using the
restoret3config command.
Common to Sun
StorEdge T3+ array
1. Could not mount volume $vol.
2. $lun config does not match
There might be multiple drive failures
or corrupted data or parity on the
LUN. Replace the failed FRUs and
restore the Sun StorEdge T3+ array
configuration with the
restoret3config -f -n t3_name
Common to Sun
StorEdge T3+ array
The $fru status is not ready or
enabled. Operations on the Sun
StorEdge T3+ array are being aborted.
The disk, controller, or loop interface
card in the Sun StorEdge T3+ array
might be bad. Replace the failed FRU
and rerun the utility.
Common to Sun
StorEdge T3+ array
1. The Sun StorEdge T3+ array is not
of T3B type, and it cannot continue
aborting operations.
2. t3config utilities are supported
only in the Sun StorEdge T3+ array;
the t3config utilities are not
supported on Sun StorEdge T3+
arrays with 1.xx firmware.
The Sun StorEdge T3 array
configuration is not a standard
configuration (refer to the t3
default/custom configuration table in
the Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series
Hardware Installation and Service
Use showt3 -n t3_name to display
the present configuration. Use the
modifyt3config and
restoret3config utility to
configure the Sun StorEdge T3+ array.
checkt3config vol init command is being executed
by another user. Additional vol
commands cannot run.
Check whether any other secfg utility
is running. If one is running, allow it to
checkt3config An error occurred while checking proc
list, aborting operation on
Check whether any other secfg or
native Sun StorEdge T3+ commands
are being executed on the particular
Sun StorEdge T3+ array.