This guide describes common problems that you might encounter when using Sun GlassFish
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude and how to solve them.
This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Sun GlassFish
Enterprise Server documentation set.
The following topics are addressed here:
“Enterprise Server Documentation Set” on page 7
“Related Documentation” on page 9
“Typographic Conventions” on page 9
“Symbol Conventions” on page 10
“Default Paths and File Names” on page 10
“Documentation, Support, and Training” on page 11
“Searching Sun Product Documentation” on page 11
“Third-Party Web Site References” on page 11
“Sun Welcomes Your Comments” on page 12
Enterprise Server Documentation Set
The Enterprise Server documentation set describes deployment planning and system
installation. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for Enterprise Server documentation is
http://docs.sun.com/coll/1343.7. For an introduction to Enterprise Server, refer to the
books in the order in which they are listed in the following table.
TABLEP–1 Books in the EnterpriseServer Documentation Set
BookTitle Description
Release Notes Provides late-breaking informationabout the software and the
documentation. Includesa comprehensive, table-based summary of the
supported hardware, operatingsystem, Java
Development Kit (JDK
and database drivers.
Quick Start Guide Explains how toget started with the Enterprise Serverproduct.