
Chapter 2 Overview 2-5
e-Keying as described in the AMC.0 specification
FRU information
LED indicators for hot-swap and OOS (out of service)
2.2.6 Port Connectors
The AMC includes connectors to communicate with the host board and take its
interfaces outside the ATCA chassis. Refer to Appendix A for complete connector
descriptions and pin-outs.
2.2.7 LEDs
The AMC.1-HDD SAS disk has three LEDs. See the next section for a detailed
description of the LEDs.
2.3 Faceplate and LEDs
The faceplate of the AMC.1-HDD SAS disk has three LED indicators, which are
described in the table following the faceplate illustration.
Note The AMC is available in different capacities (in gigabytes). The illustration
shows a generic faceplate. For your product’s faceplate, the xxx denotes the capacity.
FIGURE 2-2 Faceplate