Chapter 3 Software Configuration 3-7
▼ Setting Configuration of OOS LED Behavior
Use the following command to set the configuration of OOS LED behavior.
Data Bytes
Note – If an attempt is made to write 0 to any reserved bit (2 to 7), IPMC will reject
the command with completion code 0xCC.
Command NetFn Opcode
Set IPMI Control Bits 0xE9 0xE9
Type Byte Data Field
Request Data 1 00
4 Control byte.
Bit 0 = LED 2 (Green LED) control bit:
• 1 = IPMC controls green LED.
• 0 = IPMC does not control green LED.
Bit 1 = LED1 (Amber/Red LED) control bit.
• 1 = IPMC controls LED1 for default behavior.
• 0 = IPMC does not control LED1.
Bits 2 to 7 = Reserved for future use. Write as 1s. (See
Response Data 1 Completion Code:
[00] OK
[C1] Command not supported
[CC] Invalid data in request
(Refer to IPMI
specification for more completion