
Chapter 1 Overview 1-13
1.10 Part Number, Serial Number, and FC
Address Labels
The ARTM-HD serial number, part number, FibreChannel (FC) address are printed
on stickers located on the module. For proper identification of the ARTM-HD, find
the Sun Microsystems barcode labels on the module. The barcode labels provide the
following information:
Module serial number (for example, 1005LCB-07296R0912), which is on the
barcode label
Product part number, including dash level (for example, 594-4759-01) and
revision number (for example, REV 50). (Based on the Part Number, you can
identify whether the ARTM-HD has a single or dual HD.)
FIGURE 1-6 ARTM-HD Identification Labels
Part number label Serial number label
FC address label