
316196601 • Revision: A Chapter 3 Virtual Operator Panel 23
Diagnose Drive Tab
Diagnose Drive Tab
The Dione card and the VOP Diagnose Drive tab allow you to perform limit tests,
get logs for engineering review, and to load Dione card firmware.
Run LED Diagnostic Test
To run the LED diagnostic test:
1. Click on Run LED Diag. The display changes the button to EXIT LED Diag.
2. During this time, if you press the Reset switch, the green encryption LED
3. Click EXIT LED Diag to end this test.
The green LED is on when you power-on the LTO4 tape drive for 30 seconds as the
Dione card performs an initial program load (IPL).
After 30 seconds, the LED goes out and stays out until the tape drive is in an
encryption-capable mode (tape loaded, key available, encrypting or decrypting).
FIGURE 3-7 Run LED Diag