
20 Sun Fire T1000 Server Service Manual January 2006
Switching Between the System Console and ALOM
To switch from the console output to the ALOM sc> prompt, type #. (Pound
To switch from the sc> prompt to the console, type console.
Service-Related ALOM Commands
TABLE 2-4 describes the typical ALOM commands for servicing a Sun Fire T1000
server. For descriptions of all ALOM commands, issue the help command or refer
to the Sun Fire T1000 Server Advanced Lights Out Management (ALOM) Guide.
TABLE 2-4 Service-Related ALOM Commands
ALOM Command Description
help [command] Displays a list of all ALOM commands with syntax and descriptions.
Specifying a command name as an option displays help for that command.
clearfault UUID Manually clears system faults. UUID is the unique fault ID of the fault to
be cleared.
powercycle [-f] Performs a poweroff followed by poweron. The -f option forces an
immediate poweroff, otherwise the command attempts a graceful
poweroff [-y][-f] Removes the main power from the host server. The -y option enables you
to skip the confirmation question. The -f option forces an immediate
shutdown. CAUTION: Using the -y option to skip the confirmation
question could enable you to inadvertently shut down the system.
poweron [-y][-c][FRU] Applies the main power to the host server. or FRU. The -y option enables
you to skip the confirmation question. The [-c] option instructs ALOM to
connect to the system console after performing the operation.
removefru[-y][FRU] Prepares a FRU for removal, and illuminates the host system’s OK to
Remove LED. >
reset [-y]-[-c] Generates a hardware reset on the host server. The -y option enables you
to skip the confirmation question. The[-c option instructs ALOM to
connect to the system console after performing the operation.
resetsc [-y] Reboots the ALOM system controller. The -y option enables you to skip
the confirmation question.
setkeyswitch [normal | stby
| diag | locked]
Sets the virtual keyswitch.
setlocator [on | off] Turns the Locator LED on the server on or off.