8-18 Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
8.5.3 Setting the alarmon n Software Flag
● Set the alarmon n variable by typing:
where n is the number of the alarm you want to turn on: 1, 2, or 3.
8.5.4 Setting the alarmoff n Software Flag
● To set the alarmoff configuration variable, type:
where n is the number of the alarm you want to turn off: 1, 2, or 3.
8.5.5 Stopping the LOM Sending Event Reports to the
Serial A/LOM port
● Set the event_reporting variable on by typing:
Note – This is the equivalent of using the lom -E on command from the Solaris
shell (see Chapter 9).
● Set the event_reporting variable off by typing:
Note – This is the equivalent of using the lom -E off command from the Solaris
shell (see Chapter 9).
lom> set alarmon n
lom> set alarmoff n
lom> set eventreporting on
lom> set eventreporting off