24 Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
2. Launch the console from the SP using the following command:
start /SP/AgentInfo/console
Make sure to watch the output carefully, so that you don’t miss the intial BIOS
Note – Refer to TABLE 2-1 for information on Esc sequences for the serial terminal to
replace the function keystrokes in the following steps.
3. Press F2 to enter the BIOS on the console.
4. Change the following BIOS option under IPMI 2.0 configuration from SP to
5. Press F10 to save your changes and reboot.
The serial redirection will now always display the system output.
You will be able to view and interact with a character-based representation of the
BIOS screens as displayed on the video port. See
TABLE 2-1 for information on
keystrokes that are remapped for use over a serial terminal.
TABLE 2-1 Serial Terminal Key Remapping
Key ANSI Escape Sequence Windows Equivalent
F1 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-p Esc+1
F2 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-q Esc+2
F3 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-r Esc+3
F4 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-s Esc+4
F5 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-t Esc+5
F6 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-u Esc+6
F7 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-v Esc+7
F8 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-w Esc+8
F9 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-x Esc+9
F10 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-y Esc+0
F11 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-z Esc+!
F12 Esc+Shift-o+Shift-a Esc+@
Home Esc+Shift-h Esc+h
End Esc+Shift-k Esc+k