Appendix B Using the Tools & Drivers CD B-11
B.5 Intel PROSET Driver Software
Included on the Tools & Drivers CD is a driver software package for the Intel
network interface card (NIC). After installing the Windows Server 2003 OS on the
X2250 server, you must install the NIC driver software.
If auto insert notification is enabled (default in Windows 2003), the NIC driver
software package is automatically installed on your server when the CD is inserted
into the DVD-ROM drive. If you need to reinstall or update the NIC driver software,
perform the following procedures.
B.5.1 Installing the Intel PROSET Driver Software
1. Insert the Tools & Drivers CD into the server DVD-ROM drive.
The system device driver autorun program automatically launches the X2250 Tools
& Drivers wizard.
2. In the X2250 Tools & Drivers wizard, select Install and Update System Device
The Intel NIC drivers are automatically installed on the server.
B.6 Updating FRU PROM When the System
Mainboard is Replaced
When a system is built at the factory, the system serial number (SSN) and ordered
product part number (PPN) are entered into the mainboard FRU PROM before the
unit ships. When a mainboard is replaced in the field, the new board will not contain
the SSN and PPN. As a result, ILOM will incorrectly display system FRU
SSN and PPN values must be transferred into the replacement mainboard before
ILOM will correctly display any system FRU information. The procedure to transfer
SSN and PPN values into the replacement mainboard is as follows.
1. Locate the System Serial Number (SSN) on the front chassis label (or from
either ILOM or sdfru -l before the mainboard is replaced).