Chapter 2 Using SunVTS Diagnostic Software 9
Using the Bootable Diagnostics CD
To use the diagnostics CD to perform diagnostics:
1. With the server powered on, insert the CD into the DVD-ROM drive.
2. Reboot the server, and press F2 during the start of the reboot so that you can
change the BIOS setting for boot-device priority.
3. When the BIOS Main menu appears, navigate to the BIOS Boot menu.
Instructions for navigating within the BIOS screens appear on the BIOS screens.
4. On the BIOS Boot menu screen, select Boot Device Priority.
The Boot Device Priority screen appears.
5. Select the DVD-ROM drive to be the primary boot device.
6. Save and exit the BIOS screens.
7. Reboot the server.
When the server reboots from the CD in the DVD-ROM drive, the Solaris
Operating System boots and SunVTS software starts and opens its first GUI
8. In the SunVTS GUI, press Enter or click the Start button when you are
prompted to start the tests.
The test suite will run until it encounters an error or the test is completed.
Note – The CD will take approximately nine minutes to boot.
9. When SunVTS software completes the test, review the log files generated
during the test.
SunVTS provides access to four different log files:
■ SunVTS test error log contains time-stamped SunVTS test error messages. The
log file path name is /var/opt/SUNWvts/logs/sunvts.err. This file is not
created until a SunVTS test failure occurs.
■ SunVTS kernel error log contains time-stamped SunVTS kernel and SunVTS
probe errors. SunVTS kernel errors are errors that relate to running SunVTS,
and not to testing of devices. The log file path name is
/var/opt/SUNWvts/logs/vtsk.err. This file is not created until SunVTS
reports a SunVTS kernel error.
■ SunVTS information log contains informative messages that are generated
when you start and stop the SunVTS test sessions. The log file path name is
/var/opt/SUNWvts/logs/sunvts.info. This file is not created until a
SunVTS test session runs.