Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Real-Time Video Creation and Broadcast Support
A Java Media Framework (JMF) technology player provides access to the latest industry-standard audio and
video files, including MPEG1/2, QuickTime, VIVO, AVI, AIFF, GSM, WAV, RMF, AU, and MIDI.
Solaris 10 OS Bundled Desktop Environments
The following desktop environments are included with the Solaris 10 Operating System.
Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Enhancements
The latest generation of the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) comes standard, providing workstation
users with an easy-to-use, open, secure platform. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) support synchronizes data
from most Palm computing devices with the CDE calendar, mail, memo, and address book. CDE now features
streaming video using MPEG1, MPEG2, QuickTime, and AVI formats, as well as MIDI audio using Java Media
Framework technology.
GNOME 2.0 Desktop Environment
GNOME 2.0, the modern desktop for the Solaris 10 Operating System (OS), provides applications and tools
that are designed to enhance business productivity in a networked world. GNOME 2.0 helps organizations
achieve their business goals by offering a unified, modern, open, networked, and cost-effective desktop solu-
tion. Key features of GNOME 2.0
• Personalization capabilities that allow users to change settings to suit their preferences
• Built-in applications and assistive technology solutions for users with disabilities
• Removal of the complexity of supporting disparate desktop user environments and the provision of a richer
common unified desktop
• Open file standards that provide transparent file and data interchange
• Built-in accessibility support that enables all users to interact with the GNOME 2.0 desktop environment running
on any UNIX platform
• Flexibility and choice to run GNOME, CDE/Motif, and Java technology-based applications unmodified,
preserving existing software investments
• Support for key open standards to facilitate interoperability, compatibility, and collaboration in today’s highly-
networked, heterogeneous world, including support for XML, DOM, HTTP, HTML, CORBA, MIME, Unicode,
MPEG, JPEG, AVI, MIDI, XDnD (drag & drop), X11, NFS, and TCP/IP
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