Chorizo and Vegetable Frittata
Serves 4-6
300g kumara, peeled, cut into 1cm pieces
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
1 chorizo (100g), halved lengthways
8 eggs
½ cup cream
½ cup grated parmesan
½ cup frozen peas and corn, thawed
¼ cup chopped parsley
Salad, to serve
1. With the Extension ring and Low Rack in
place, preheat oven to 250°C. Grease and
line the base of a 22cm round cake pan.
Lightly grease the Multi-purpose baking
2. Place kumara and onion in a bowl and
cover with boiling water. Stand for 5
minutes; drain vegetables and place in the
prepared Multi-purpose baking dish.
3. Outside the oven, place the chorizo on the
High Rack. Using the Oven Tongs, place
the baking dish on the Low Rack and
lower the High Rack into the oven. Cook
for about 10 minutes or until chorizo is
cooked. Remove the chorizo and vegetables
from the oven; thinly slice the chorizo.
4. Place eggs, cream and cheese in a bowl.
Season with salt and pepper and whisk
to combine. Add sliced chorizo, kumara,
onion and remaining ingredients. Mix to
combine. Pour egg mixture into prepared
cake pan.
5. Reduce temperature to 180°C and cook
for about 1 hour 10 minutes or until set.
Remove from oven; stand for 10 minutes
before serving with salad.
Pork Ribs with Barbecue Sauce
Serves 2
2 small racks (750g) pork spare ribs
½ cup barbecue sauce
½ cup tomato sauce
cup sweet chilli sauce
cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons dijon mustard
Wedges and salad, to serve
1. With the Extension ring in place, preheat
oven to 250°C.
2. Cook the spare ribs in a large saucepan of
boiling water for 10 minutes; drain.
3. Combine sauces, sugar and mustard in a
large bowl. Add ribs and toss to coat well
in mixture.
4. Outside the oven, place ribs in on the High
Rack. Using the oven tongs, lower the
rack into the oven. Reduce temperature to
220°C and cook for 30 minutes or until
caramelised and tender. Serve with wedges
and salad.
Mains continued