Mixing Tips continued
Whipping Cream
Thickened cream gives the best results.
For maximum volume use well chilled cream.
For best results, chill the bowl and beaters/
balloon whisks before whipping.
Use a deeper bowl to prevent splatter. Start
by mixing on speed 2, then increase to speed
5-6 as the cream thickens.
If intending to use the cream for piping, add
approximately 2 teaspoons of icing sugar per
300ml of cream before mixing. This will help
the cream hold its shape.
For your information, the following temperature settings are included as a guide. These
settings may need to be adjusted to suit the individual range.
Thermostat Settings
Description of Oven Temperatures Degrees Celcius (°C) Degrees Farenheit (°F) Gas Mark
Very Slow 120 250 ½
Slow 140-150 300 1-2
Moderately Slow 160 325 3
Moderate 180 350 4
Moderately Hot 200 400 6
Hot 220 425 8
Very Hot 240 475 9
Note: If using fan forced ovens be sure to turn the temperature down by 20°C.
Also check recipes at the back of this book.
Oven Temperature Guide