
The top field displays the year when the logbook history was last cleared;
The middle field displays the text “HIS” (“HIS” = history); and
The bottom field displays the month and day when the logbook history was last
Press [ON OFF] button to scroll through the remaining three screens. (Press the [QUICK]
button the scroll back to the first screen.)
In the second screen (Fig. 3.8):
The top field displays the text “HI”;
The middle field displays the highest altitude recorded since the last date cleared;
The bottom field displays the date when it was reached with the date and year
In the third screen (Fig. 3.9):
The top field displays the text “ASC”; and
The middle and bottom fields display up to an 8 digit accumulative vertical ascent
since the last reset. The middle field is activated when the value of the vertical
ascent is beyond the 3-digit value displayed in the bottom field.
In the fourth screen (Fig. 3.10):
The top field displays the text “dSC”; and
The middle and bottom fields display up to an 8 digit accumulative vertical descent
since the last reset. The middle field is activated when the value of the vertical
ascent is beyond the 3-digit value displayed in the bottom field.
Press either the [SELECT] or the [MODE] button to exit this activity.
3.5.1 Clearing the Logbook History
To clear the history of the logbook:
1. In any of the logbook history screens, press the [SELECT] button for 2 seconds. The
top field displays the text “CLR”, the middle field the text “HIS”, and the bottom field
the text “nO”. All three messages will begin to flash.