
You start the altitude difference measurer in the ALTI & BARO mode. Use [View]
to select the altitude difference measurer. Press [Start Stop] as you begin a
climb - your Suunto Lumi will do the math and calculate how high you climb.
To stop measuring, press [Start Stop] again. To reset, press [Up] until the view
is cleared.
NOTE: You need to stop the altitude difference measurer in order to reset it!
The altitude difference measurer is not dependent on your altitude reference
value and always works regardless of the values you have or have not input!
You can also use it when the log recorder is on.
Handy tip: Measuring your climbing
You are about to start climbing a mountain that is 3280 feet (1000 m) high. You
want to be able to check your progress as you climb, so you activate the altitude
difference measurer. You start climbing, checking your altitude occasionally to see
how far you are from the next check point. At some point you start to get tired. You
check your altitude, and see that theres still a lot of climbing ahead. Maybe you
should replan the next check point!
6.5.2 Recording logs
The log recorder is an interactive view which allows you to record your
movements in altitude. You can view the recorded information at a later time.
You start recording logs in the ALTI & BARO mode. Use [View] to select the log
recorder view. Press [Start Stop] to start and stop the log recorder. A log symbol
is displayed in all modes when the log recorder is on. To reset the log
recorder, press [Up] until the view is cleared.