To change to a custom setpoint:
1. While diving in CCR mode, keep middle button pressed to enter
main menu.
Scroll to Custom setpoint and select with the middle button.
3. Adjust the setpoint value as needed with the lower or upper
button and accept with the middle button.
A popup notification confirms the custom setpoint switch.
3.23.4 Bailouts
If at any point during a rebreather dive you suspect a malfunction
of any sort, you should switch to a bailout gas and abort the dive.
To change to a bailout gas:
1. Keep the middle button pressed to enter main menu.
Scroll to OC gases and select with middle button.
3. Scroll to the desired bailout gas and select with the middle
After a bailout gas is selected, the setpoint field is replaced with the
value of the selected open-circuit gas.